For July 2022, JRC is Giving Back to S.H.A.D.E. Winnipeg!
S.H.A.D.E (Safe Housing And Directed Empowerment) Inc. is a charitable non-profit in Winnipeg. SHADE supports immigrant and refugee women and their children who have been impacted by woman abuse and/or family violence.
Through psychosocial programming and practical support, they empower immigrant women to rebuild their lives and transition from a place of victimization to a place of healing, stability, and resiliency. Through programs like MIRRORS, an on-going 12-week group program that focuses on healing from abuse and learning about healthy relationships, EMBRACE, an on-going, open-format group program that provides psychosocial and practical support to immigrant women impacted by domestic abuse, and Directed Empowerment which provides 1-on-1 psychosocial and practical support services to their clients, S.H.A.D.E. is fulfilling their vision to see women healed from the impact of intimate partner violence.
Throughout the month of July, purchase cupcakes in-store at Academy, Island Lakes or The Forks, through SkipTheDishes, or online and 5% of all sales will be donated to S.H.A.D.E. Winnipeg!