♥︎ The Classics ♥︎
Flowers - Fresh flowers are always a hit. Skip the bouquet of a dozen roses and go for something more unique. Academy Florist and Stone House Creative are two of our personal favourites but there are so many other florists in the city who would be happy to create a stunning bouquet for your sweetheart or friends who are celebrating being single. Sweet Treats - Sweet treats is a classic! This year for Valentine's day we will have a variety of festive treats from conversation heart macarons, to mini cakes, conversation heart cupcakes and large heart macarons. Whether you're celebrating with your Valentine or Galentine's pals, we'll have the perfect treat. Pre-Orders open on February 1st. Hit the Spa - Thermea, Ten Spa + Pocca Poca are just a few amazing places to visit this Valentine's day. Dinner - What's more classic than going out for dinner on Valentine's Day? Visit Cibo Waterfront Cafe and spoil yourself or your loved one with a JRC dessert.♥︎ For Her ♥︎
Plants - Verde Plant Shop and Shelmerdine Greenhouse are two of our favourites to visit and pick up new plants for our homes. A cute card - Writing something goes a lot way. Put it in a cute, funny or heartfelt card and it's the perfect little something special to gift to your valentine or galentine! We love Tiny Feast for their large selection of cards for every occasion. Jewelry - Classic, simple and affordable. Jewelry can fit any budget and can go from a simple ring to a piece with a little more glitz and glamour. We love Sugar Blossom Jewelry and also love popping into our neighbours Margot and Maude to see which pieces they have available.♥︎ For Him ♥︎
Tickets - Grab him tickets to an upcoming concert or game and you'll be deemed the best partner award this Valentine's Day! Watch - Putting a watch on our list may make you feel like we're back in the 90's where gifting a watch was an appropriate gift for your first anniversary. Even though we all have smartphones, a classic watch is a wardrobe staple. We love watches from Daniel Wellington for ourselves and the men in our lives. Food - They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. We certainly see how true that can be! Pick up his favourite treat or order in his favourite meal. Even if he's not really 'into' Valentine's day, he'll be grateful for the gesture. Use our gift guide to prompt your creative thinking to come up with something unique and meaningful for those you are celebrating with this year. Happy Valentine's or Galentine's Day from all of us at JRC!