Edible Glitter and Lustre Dust are different from one another (learn more about Lustre Dust here!) and today we are talking all about Edible Glitter!
Chances are you've been on Instagram and have seen sparkly chocolate bars, glittery cakes and cupcakes, shimmery cocktails and glimmering meringues. Perhaps you've wondered how they were able to make something so magical and what exactly it is they are using to create the effect. The answer is edible glitter!

What is Edible Glitter?
Edible glitter is every bit as magical as it sounds. Often coming in a rainbow of shimmery shades and different flake sizes, edible glitter is made of food-grade, 100% safe to eat ingredients that can be added to anything you'd like to eat. Edible glitter is often made out of certified food-safe ingredients including mica-based pearlescent pigments and colour. You can also find ones that are certified vegan, gluten-free and kosher making it perfect for really anything you'd like to eat with an element of sparkle.
Buyer Beware!
There are a lot of glitters out there listed as 'non-toxic' which can give the illusion they are food-safe. However, 'non-toxic' and 'edible' are really two different. Non-toxic often means that if, by chance, it is ingested in a small amount, it's not going to hurt you. Edible means it is 100% safe to eat and is often labelled right on the packaging so you know the difference and can keep an eye out for what to look for.
How Do I Use Edible Glitter?
Using edible glitter is really simple and effective for adding that dazzle and sparkle to just about anything! Most edible glitter comes in a small pot with a shaker lid so you can easily shake the glitter onto a surface.
- If you're adding edible glitter to decorated items like buttercream on cakes and cupcakes or royal icing on sugar cookies or gingerbread, we recommend adding your glitter when items are freshly decorated so the glitter sticks.
- If you're adding glitter to beverages like champagne, cocktails or mocktails, or sparkling water, add a few shakes into your glass first, then pour in your beverage on top and watch the glitter dance!
- For meringues, sprinkle your glitter on right after piping before they go into the oven.
- If you want a dusting of glitter on top of an entire macaron shell, shake on right after piping and taping.
- For every day magic, sprinkle glitter on top of your stack of pancakes or waffles, on top of your ice cream or even into your macaroni and cheese for an extra extravagant experience!
- Add it to syrup for a shimmery, magical pour over waffles or pancakes.
- ...And more! The sky really is the limit for edible glitter! Anywhere you can think of to add some sparkle, give a shake or two and you'll instantly add some dazzle.
What Do We Use at Jenna Rae Cakes?
We use our very own line of Dazzle Dust—edible, highly pigmented, ultra sparkly glitters and high shine lustre dusts for anywhere you want to add some sparkle and shine. We’re making all your edible shimmery, glittery and shiny dreams come true! Add a dusting of glitter on top of cupcakes, meringues, waffles or stir it into cocktails at your next celebration. Add a high lustre shine to macarons or chocolate, or paint fondant or buttercream on your stunning cake creations. Our lineup of Dazzle Dust is about to become a staple in your kitchen. Dazzle Dusts are vegan, gluten free, kosher and have absolutely no taste or texture– it’s all about that magical payoff!